This is the blog of Ant Miller, senior research manager and dilettante geek at large at the BBC.
I wail moan and cuss about the challenges and fun to be found here.
These are my personal opinions, and not those of my employer. Or anyone else here for that matter.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Quite a few people will have heard the rumours that the BBC is about to shed a load of posts, and indeed some have been kind enough to ask me if I'm worried. Well, yes and no, but there's quite a lot to this worry, and lack of it.

We can and should be more efficient, and the amount of money we have is very limited. Big, granted, but there is a hard cap on it- even more so than there ever has been before, because the treasury has capped our borrowing.

Anyway, we'll hear the whole thing on Thursday from our DG and Trust Chair. Can't wait.

On the road again

As ever autumn brings a gentle ramping in activety, so I'm off again next week. To Edinburgh, via Durham, and then to Paris. I'm happy to report that not a single airmile will be garnered along the way either, it's rail all the way. And thankfully, because I booked so far ahead, I was able to aford first class for much of it too! Huzzah! Here's hoping there are power points! and not the MS kind!